
Android studio intent api
Android studio intent api

android studio intent api

  • How do I add an external library (Apache Commons Lang) to an Android Studio app manually?.
  • My Android app keeps giving me a Leak Found error.
  • TabBar disappears when starting new intent in android app.
  • Using Android & Google App Engine on Android Studio.
  • Android App crashing with Error: Resource ID #0x7f0d0061 type #0x12 is not valid.
  • Prevent Android system from resuming task if the new Intent is the same with initial Intent that launches the app.
  • I am trying to convert String to array then to integer using android studio app.
  • Do similar imports in different java files in Android Studio cause increase in App size?.
  • Android Studio cannot find Oboe headers, but app still runs.
  • android studio intent api

    my android app doesn't run on android studio after trying to activate the firebase.When starting Android studio project, intent filter does not start from given page.why android studio app only run in android version 11 and they don't run another mobile version.Android app keeps crashing after adding a specific line of code.My app keeps crashing when opening on the emulator or android phone.Android App using OData WCF - Android app keeps crashing.

    android studio intent api android studio intent api

    App keeps crashing, programmed in android studio.App crashing while verifying OTP in Android Studio with firebase.Simple calculator app in Android studio keeps closing.The button doesn't do anything by itself you need to set an OnClickListener on it to start the authorization flow (replace the comments with actual parameters): private static final int TG_PASSPORT_RESULT=352 // this can be any integer less than 0xFFFF ViewGroupOfSomeSort.addView(telegramButton, _CONTENT, _CONTENT) Optionally you can change the roundness of the button corners TelegramButton=new TelegramLoginButton(this) You can either add it from your Java code: TelegramLoginButton telegramButton The SDK provides the "Log in with Telegram" button which we recommend using for a consistent user experience across different apps. In the adle file for your app, add this line to the dependencies section: compile ':telegrampassport'Īnd sync your project. In adle, add ':telegrampassport' to includes: include ':app', ':telegrampassport' Then, make the following changes to your Gradle scripts. Adding as a moduleĭownload the library, unzip it and copy the library project to the root of your project directory (the one with adle and gradle.properties). Telegram Passport SDK is available from the Maven repository.Īdd this line to the dependencies section in your adle: compile 'org.telegram:passport:1.1'Īnd sync your project. Check out our GitHub repository to see samples using this SDK. The Android SDK helps you easily integrate Telegram Passport requests into your Android-based apps.

    Android studio intent api